3 Top Reasons Your Home Isn’t Selling

3 Top Reasons Your Home Isn’t Selling

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It’s almost a year since you put your home for sale, but you are yet to get a buyer who can match your price. Maybe you have even given up now, want to sell the house on the cheap and count your loses. Well, there is no need to sell your house cheaply just because you can’t find a buyer. If your home has been on the market for months and you are yet to make sale then you are most probably doing something wrong. Some of the reasons why your home isn’t selling include:

  • Wrong Agent – It has been proven that homes sold by agents go fast and home owners get good value for them. If you sell your house by yourself then you may find it difficult to not only get good value for it but also finding buyers. A top class real estate agent can get you a good price for your home but they charge high fees.
  • The House is in a Poor State – No one will buy a house with a leaking roof or its walls are in poor state. Before you put your home for sale, ensure that you have renovated and painted every corner. It is important to create a first impression and having painted walls and floors can go a long way in convincing buyers to spend their money.
  • Pricing – Home owners usually set high prices for their houses since they value them that much. It may be difficult to find a buyer who can match what you consider to be the value of your home. If you really want to sell your house, then you should take the buyer’s perspective and sell it on a price that you would buy if you were them.

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